Saturday, July 28, 2012

"Look, He Comes, leaping upon the Mountains"

Sons and Sunshine,

It is early here and the house is quite. I was thinking about a couple of verses this morning, perhaps they are not directly related but nonetheless rattling around in my mind. In the Song of Solomon 2:8 we read, "The voice of my beloved, look, he comes, leaping upon the mountains bounding over the hills." I am convinced that the Song is about romantic love between a man and woman but it also has poetic application to the love of Christ for His Bride. Mountains and hills are often used in the Bible as a reference to our troubles, hardships and difficulties. I love the thought of Christ leaping and bounding over all our troubles to get to us, to get to those He loves. One of the most sad scenes in Braveheart is when Muren is strapped to the post about to be killed and she looks to the hills for her savior...but he doesn't come. Ours always does. He will come. Sons, and my dear Sunshine, we must sing with the Psalmist: "I lift up my eyes to the hills. from where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord who made the heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved he who keeps you will not slumber." (Psalm 121:1-2)

The other verse is from Psalm 4, "But know that the Lord has set apart the godly for Himself; the Lord hears when I call to Him." Dear ones, He has made you godly, His blood, His sacrifice has placed you into the reality of righteous, holy and godly. And then, He has taken your lives and set them apart for His purposes, His joys, to do what He desires. That is why the Lord hears when we call to HIm, that is why the Lord hears when YOU call to Him; You are His, body and soul, He has made is so, and now He has purpose for you, workman who need not be ashamed. So, it doesn't matter how small or seemingly insignificant the task might seem, or who sees, you live, you work, you play, you laugh, you cry, you serve, for the One who has set you apart, and that which is unexplainable is that there is joy in this like there is in nothing else in this be, what He has made us to be, set apart for our King.

Mom and I board tomorrow, I have been told there may be little to no electronic communications available...please know that even if you don't hear from me through the marvels of technology, the Lord will hear your names from my mouth daily and your mother and I keep you in our hearts.

May your father's God bless you and keep you.


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