Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Do Not Forget; Remember

Sons and Sunshine,

You have heard me tell you before how often the Bible tells us to not forget, or in the positive, to remember. Have you ever thought of why the concept of remembering is so important?  I think that among many reasons is that forgetfulness is not neutral. We treat forgetting as a light thing, kind of like going 5 mph over the speed limit. (Well, not you Seth, since you not be driving for a gazillion months) A failure to remember is a death sentence and we see it in the Bible over and over again. When Israel forgot the next thing they did was to replace God with idols. And usually, Israel forget and fell into idolatry because of WHAT they forgot, namely, who they were and to Whom they belonged. They wanted to be like the world around them, they wanted to be like the Canaanites, after all, they were having so much fun. This little thing, forgetting, led them to apostatize because they want to be acceptable to their surrounding culture and they wanted, literally the culture around them to accept them.

Sons, and my dear Sunshine, do not forget:

Do not forget the cost that your God was willing to pay to buy you back (redeem) from darkness and death.
Do not forget the Savior, who willingly suffered that you might know the riches of His kingdom.
Do not forget, you have the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit, call upon Him...Cry out to Him...He never leaves you, please do not forget that.
Do not forget the faith of your mother. There is no one that I know who takes the Lord and His calling more seriously than she...imitate her.
Do not forget the love of your father. He is not a great man, but his love for you and for you
Do not forget your dear brothers and sisters. Time away will help you realize how wonderful they are, how blessed we have been and how enriched
    our lives are because of them all.
Do not forget the little Skogens. They too have lost with your leaving, and although they will probably never say, wow do I miss Joey, Seth and Annie, they
    feel the vacancy and you know the formative power you have each had in their lives.
Do not forget that the Lord has taken each of you where He has, not for YOU, but for Him. You are to serve HIM, you are to seek HIS pleasure, and you are to do so with every emotional, physical, spiritual bone in your body, nothing else will be enough.

I am missing you already.

May your father's God bless you greatly,


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